Learning Opportunities

The Essence of Liberty online Academy
Grow your relationship with your horse and unlock his playful spirit!
Find out exactly how to begin with these straight-applicable, science-based techniques.

Private Lessons and Group Workshops
Tailored private lessons & workshops at our picturesque property.
Receive one-on-one individualized guidanceĀ revolving aroundĀ a focus of your choice!

Online Private Coaching
Receive One-on-One Guidance From Nadine No Matter Where You Are In The World!Ā
Be coached in your usual environment where you and your horse are much more relaxed than in a clinic setting

Nadine is now available for clinics across Australia.
Clinics include theory lessons and individual practical lessons and are held over several days. Dates for upcoming clinicsĀ coming soon!

What Can You Learn?
"Liberty" is synonymous with freedom, independence, autonomy and choice. These are all elements that are felt rather than something that is done physically. There are many liberty methods that revolve around teaching the horse to be obedient enough to stay with the trainer regardless of the absence of equipment. Nadine's main priority in her liberty training is the connection between horse and human and ensuring that the horse truly feels that he has a choice. When the horse willingly chooses to participate, his expression is very different from that of an obedient horse. As your horse becomes more connected and motivated, you can begin to encourage more energy and play! Nadine also loves incorporating "power postures" and collected movements to boost the horse's confidence and to promote strength, balance, suppleness and straightness!
Trick training is a fantastic way to improve your connection with your horse. Unlike training for a competition, there is no pressure around teaching tricks! It is literally just for fun! This brings a whole new energy to your training session and your horse will feel the lack of expectations and pressure. Teaching tricks also gives you and your horse something fun to "talk about" to improve your communication (and thus your relationship!). Some tricks require a lot of trust from your horse (such as lying down or bowing) and gives you an opportunity to show your horse that you are not going to hurt him when he is in a vulnerable position.
DRESSAGE: Groundwork & In-Hand
"Dressage for the horse, not the horse for the dressage"
The Academic Art of Riding is a form of dressage based on the old masters. The aim is to promote the horse's physical and mental well-being through gymnastic exercises that improve strength, balance, suppleness and straightness. The horse can be exercised through groundwork, in-hand, lunging, long-reining or ridden. Nadine also incorporates many of these principles into her liberty training.

Nadine derives most of her riding principles from the Academic Art of Riding and liberty training. She aims to help you improve your communication with your horse and help you ensure that your horse is physically and mentally comfortable with being ridden.
While Nadine does not take horses in for training, she can help you start and handle your young or green horse. Nadine prioritizes low stress and positive experiences for all horses, but especially those that are green and/or lacking confidence!

Many horses struggle in this world for various reasons. When the struggle becomes too much to handle, most horses will develop what we would label as "bad" or "problem" behaviours. Nadine first uses her background as a veterinarian to assess for physical pain and also assesses the horse's lifestyle to see if this may be contributing to the issue before focusing on training.
Nadine bases most of her training on the science of equine psychology - how horses think, learn and why they behave the way they do. Understanding the similarities and differences between horse and human minds and emotions has a massive impact on the way we interpret their behaviour and how we then respond to that behaviour. It is crucial to understand *why* something does or doesn't work and what evidence there is behind it in order to ensure that we choose the most appropriate and ethical approach to training and caring for our horses.
A big part of setting your horse up for success is to ensure he is happy and healthy mentally and physically (inside and outside of the training space!). Nadine draws on her veterinary background to help you ensure that your horse is living his best life to maximize his motivation and ability to say YES to your guidance during training!
**Note: Nadine does not provide diagnostics, treatment or prescription services at this time. Please call your local vet if your horse requires veterinary attention.
Nadine is now available for clinics across Australia. Clinics include theory lessons and individual practical lessons and are held over several days. Dates for upcoming clinics can be viewed by clicking the button below.
Host a Clinic
If you would like to enquire about hosting a clinic in your area, please fill out the boxes below or email Nadine on: